Tuesday 14 July 2009

How Your Ovulation Cycle Can Affect The Gender Of Your Baby

To actually pick the gender of your baby especially if you are considering having a baby boy, then knowing your ovulation period is very important. Understanding the process of ovulation and your particular reproductive cycle can help you plan your pregnancy more effectively

How important is it? It is very important because to have a male baby for example you have to time your sexual union within this period.

What then is ovulation?

Ovulation is that part of a female reproductive cycle in which an egg is released by a mature ovarian follicle in order to travel down the fallopian tubes towards the uterus. Simply put you can determine your ovulation period very easily. Ovlulation occurs for most women on day 14 of the average menstrual cycle, which is 28 days. That is to say most women will ovulate somewhere between the 10th to the 19th day of their menstrual cycle. Women with shorter cycles experiences ovulation earlier, and women with longer cycles with longer cycles experience it later.

The human body naturally gives signs to changes in the body system and signs of ovulation is not an exception. The body will give you several clues that you are getting closer to ovulation. How? The cervix secretes more mucus — which results in increased whitish discharge — you'll have a rise in basal body temperature (BBT), and some women experience what is called mittelschmerz, this is a slight tinge of pain when ovulation occurs.

Most women will naturally release only one egg, though age, hereditary and sometimes luck may contribute to the release of more than one egg. Since an egg only lives about 12 to 24 hours after ovulation, your timing has to be perfect. This is the actual period that you can clinch that baby boy you long desire. Making love within this period gives you higher chances of getting a baby boy. And if it is a baby girl you desire having this knowledge will help you abstain from sex during this period.

Women are usually very fertile for the few days leading up to and day of ovulation, so it is crucial that she knows when she is ovulating to plan intercourse irrespective of the sex of the baby she desires. There are various tools that you can employ to determine your ovulation period if you can not read your body language adequately especially if you are trying to get pregnant.

There is the BBT(Basal Body Thermometers) method or ovulation calendar that will require daily tracking on your part. Others, such as an ovulation predictor kit which you can get from your doctor, online or at the drugstore simply require testing of your urine at specific times of the month. Stress, illness, maternal age, hereditary factors, STDs, or infection present in your body that may interfere with your normal ovulation. These monitor the body for certain hormones that increase as ovulation approaches. They are very accurate and are especially helpful for women whose ovulating cycle varies a lot so if your cycle is off or very difficult to track, please consult your doctor.

If you are not ovulating, ovulate erratically or ovulate without a period may need medical assistance to get pregnant.
Overall, your knowledge of your ovulation cycle will go a long way to determine the gender of the baby you want.


Choosing the gender of your baby is as easy as ABC. It doesn't matter who you are. Your age, status and wallet do not count and more importantly the number of children you already have. Here are the secrets that will make the picking of the gender of your baby like child’s play and you getting the actual gender you desire.CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS

Friday 10 July 2009

How To Have A Boy Pregnancy

To give birth to a baby boy you have to get pregnant first. Getting pregnant involves you having sexual intercourse. I must tell you frankly that it is not all sexual intercourse that results in the male child.Infact these days more female children are given birth to.

Before you become pregnant you have to ask yourself some audible questions. Some of which are;
1. What gender do I want?
2. What will I do if I do not have the gender of my choice?

If your answer to question one is a boy then let’s cruise on and if it is not let’s cruise on all the same because you will find this information very valuable.

To have a boy pregnancy then you have to do the following.

Preparation is very essential as you only get a delivery of what you have prepared for. Your preparation will consist of the following.

A Plan

You need a Plan; your gender selection plan must consist of the following,
a) How to include easy changes to your diet to seriously improve your chances of  having a boy.

b) How you can boost your fertility and keep doing it and you will end up enjoying it.

c) Understanding and using the knowledge of your vaginal ph levels to manipulate to get the boy child you want. Also note that the vaginal ph levels can bechanged to suit that which will encourage the male gender. Therefore you may require real home recipes to change your vaginal ph level.

d) You be able to determine your ovulation period and the best way to tell if you are ovulating because your getting a baby is connected to it.

e) Having sex within ovulation range and that is 24hours before ovulation through to 12 hours after ovulation. This ensures that the (y) male sperm is able to reach the for fertilisation.

(f) For the male child, there must be deep penetration preferably through the rear to ensure that the male(y) sperm are delivered securely for fertilisation.

Preparation is very important and it works well with adequate planning. If you prepare well then you will not be worried of the sex of your baby when you get pregnant because you already know that it is a boy.


Choosing the gender of your baby is as easy as ABC. It doesn't matter who you are. Your age, status and wallet do not count and more importantly the number of children you already have. Here are the secrets that will make the picking of the gender of your baby like child’s play and you getting the actual gender you desire.CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS

Wednesday 8 July 2009

How to Choose Your Baby Boy By Natural Means.

Irrespective of the gender of the baby you want. You can actually determine the gender of the baby by natural means. That means that you will have to plan and put into action these natural methods and I am sure you will conceive the baby bender you desire.

I will be showing you how to conceive a baby boy using natural means.

1. Determine Your Ovulation Period

This is very important, you should be able to determine your ovulation period if it is a boy you want. The Shettles method recommends that you have sex as early as between 24 hours before ovulation and 12 hours after ovulation in order to increase your chances of conceiving a boy.
Having sex too far in advance to ovulation will dramatically decrease your chances of conceiving a boy. The timing of intercourse is important in relation to your ovulation and it remains a vital factor in increasing your chances of having a boy.

2.Timing Of Sexual Intercourse And Its Frequency.

The timing of intercourse is also not negotiable. As earlier stated, sexual intercourse should be 24 hrs before ovulation to 12hrs after ovulation. Reason is very simple; The less robust male sperm is able to reach the egg more quickly as a result of the less acidic cervical mucus present at ovulation.

3. Recommended Sexual Positions

To conceive a baby boy, deep penetration is required infact the “doggy style” is highly recommended. The will help the sperm deposited close to the cervix giving the quicker male sperm an edge to fertilising the egg first.

4. Orgasms During Sex

Orgasms during sex should be permitted as it helps to increase your chances of conceiving a boy. After orgasms the body produces substances that make the vaginal area alkaline.
Sperms are moved up by contractions accompanying orgasms allowing the male sperm
To quickly reach the egg for fertilisation.

If you can follow these activity outlined above, you will definitely know the gender of your next baby as a boy.
My concluding advice is that before sexual intercourse the man takes a caffeinated beverage so that the male sperm may be very active.


Choosing the gender of your baby is as easy as ABC. It doesn't matter who you are. Your age, status and wallet do not count and more importantly the number of children you already have. Here are the secrets that will make the picking of the gender of your baby like child’s play and you getting the actual gender you desire.CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS.

Monday 6 July 2009

The Key To Getting The Baby Gender Of Your Choice.

Getting the gender of your Choice is very simple. To get any thing worthwhile in life you have to possessing the key to getting that which you desire. In real life the key opens the door, without the key the door remains shut and access to it is virtually impossible.

The key to getting the baby gender you desire are just three elements. The elements of the key are preparation, correct method and correct time. These elements are very important as without any of them the door that unlocks the gender of your choice remains locked.
Let’s run through these elements.

Element One: Preparation

“Preparation is what precedes Manifestation” Bishop Oyedepo, what you don’t prepare for you are not expected to have. If you do not prepare for an examination you are not expected to pass that examination. If you do not prepare the choice of your baby gender then you get what you see.
So how do you prepare?
Preparation in this regard is not a daunting process but for you to get adequate information on how you get that baby gender you desire. The information you get will ultimately determine how far you can go.
It also requires you to take specific types of diet that can influence the gender you want. This is where information also comes in. Therefore get informed.

Element Two: Correct Method

Correct method here implies the method you adopt or rather positions used during sexual intercourse. For you to have a baby boy is to use a sexual position that will give the male sperm the best chance of surviving and fertilizing the egg. This implies that you use positions that will allow you to deposit the sperm as deeply into the cervix as possible. Adequate knowledge of these positions also applies to having a baby girl.

Element Three: Correct Time.

Timing is of utmost importance here. What are we timing? Timing of sexual intercourse. For example if you want a baby girl you must make sure you are having intercourse at the right time in your cycle. Women ovulate fourteen days before their next period. So you need to plan when you have intercourse according to when you are going to ovulate. Of course that’s easier said then done because it’s not always easy to predict when ovulation will occur. That requires you to have an adequate knowledge of your ovulation cycle.
With these three elements in place the key that opens up the Baby Gender of your choice is activated and your desires in placed into your hands on platter of gold.

Here again is what the formula looks like;
Preparation + Correct Method + Correct Time = Baby Gender Of Your Choice.
Very simple isn’t it.


Choosing the gender of your baby is as easy as ABC. It doesn't matter who you are. Your age, status and wallet do not count and more importantly the number of children you already have. Here are the secrets that will make the picking of the gender of your baby like child’s play and you getting the actual gender you desire.CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

Sunday 5 July 2009

3 Wonderful Factors To Consider If It Is A Baby Girl You Want.

Thank God you’ve decided to have a baby. Great for you! Reasons for you to have a baby of a certain gender. And you’ve settled for a baby girl. The good reasons why you might want to have a girl is obviously known to you. That is completely your own business. But I am sure you will be delighted to know there are many ways how to have a baby girl. Very simple I must tell you.

A few factors will help you to determine the gender of children. These factors are those that we don’t have any control over. These factors includes age, hobbies, and professions. All these factors can influence the gender of children.

Factor Number One: Age And Profession/Hobbies

Research has made us to understand that younger people tend to have more boys than girls. Meanwhile men who fly a lot or deep sea dive tend to have more girls than boys.

This has a scientific backup. The Male sperm and female sperm have different characteristics – (just as there different characteristics between the two genders) the male sperm are faster but more fragile while female sperm are slower but tougher. These characteristics are what will lead the sperm to be influenced by the factor above (age, flying, sea diving etc.).

Factor Number Two: Having Intercourse At The Right Time In Your Cycle.

This is very important I must tell you. To have a baby girl you must make sure you are having intercourse at the right time in your cycle. Women naturally ovulate fourteen days before their next period. So this where the place of planning comes in you must plan when you have intercourse with relation to your ovulation cycle. It is easier said then done because it’s not always easy to predict when ovulation will occur.
Therefore adequate knowledge of your ovulation cycle is important.

Knowing these facts can help you to know what you should do in order to conceive a child of the gender of your choice. In fact, with these facts in hand you be should be able to determine when you have sexual intercourse and the positions you use to have sexual intercourse. This is just how to have a baby girl.

Factor Number Three: Positioning During Sexual Intercourse

Another factor to consider is your position during sexual intercourse. Use positions that will help the odds of having a girl during sexual intercourse. There are appropriate positions in sexual intercourse that will help you have either a girl or a boy. With the full knowledge of how sperm act will ultimately help you determine which positions you use.

It is very easy to learn how to have a baby girl. Firstly, you must know the different characteristics between male and female sperm. Then plan when you and how you have sexual intercourse accordingly. With all these in play and correctly putting them together your chances of having a baby girl will be highly increased.


Choosing the gender of your baby is as easy as ABC. It doesn't matter who you are. Your age, status and wallet do not count and more importantly the number of children you already have. Here are the secrets that will make the picking of the gender of your baby like child’s play and you getting the actual gender you desire.CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

3 Factors To Consider If You Want To Have A Baby Boy.

If you are thinking of having a baby boy, why not? Then have a baby boy. Reasons why you might want to have a baby boy is best known to you and it is also good to have one. I will like you to know one thing there are certain things you can do to have that baby boy. Period. You don’t have to go over the edge to have a baby boy. It is very easy to have a baby boy.

Different factors will determine what gender your baby will be. Some of these factors you have absolute control over and the other factors you don’t have any control over. The major factors that you have control over to have a baby boy are what you eat, when you have sexual intercourse, and what positions to adopt during sexual intercourse.

Factor Number One: What You Eat.

From studies I have been able to gather that what the woman eats can influence whether her eggs attract male or female sperm. A woman that starts to take a certain diet at least six weeks before conceiving a baby she can help a long way to influence whether she conceives a boy or a girl. If you want to have a baby boy then eat foods from the earth that will help your eggs attract male sperm.

Factor Number Two: Time Of Sexual Intercourse.

Timing of sexual intercourse is a very important factor to consider if you are to have a baby boy.. This is because the sperm that will cause a baby boy to be conceived (the male sperm) are faster than female sperm but they’re also more fragile. With this knowledge, a couple that wants to have a baby boy should plan when they have intercourse accordingly. The timing is based on when ovulation occurs. It is sometimes difficult to know when ovulation occurs but there are many ways to know when ovulation occurs.

Factor Number Three: Appropriate Sexual Positions.

Using an appropriate position to have sex will influence the gender of the child you conceive. To have a baby boy use a sexual position that will give the male sperm the best chance of surviving and fertilizing the egg. This means that you will have to use positions that will allow you to deposit the sperm as deeply as possible into the cervix.

If having a baby boy is your choice there are plenty of ways how to have a baby boy simply by changing your choices in life. You can control certain factors that ultimately will influence you having a baby boy or a baby girl. The three factors again that you can influence are what you eat, when you have intercourse, and what positions you use to have intercourse.


Choosing the gender of your baby is as easy as ABC. It doesn't matter who you are. Your age, status and wallet do not count and more importantly the number of children you already have. Here are the secrets that will make the picking of the gender of your baby like child’s play and you getting the actual gender you desire. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS.

Saturday 4 July 2009

A Review of How To Choose The Gender Of Your Baby Ebook!

If you're not new to surfing the Internet looking for great information on picking your baby gender, then you must have come across Asley Spencer’s report on how to succeed with gender picking. She calls it " How To Choose The Gender Of Your Baby”

The first thing that struck me about the report was the title. How to choose your baby gender it was kind of strange. Baby Gender? What's this lady talking about? I didn't have to wait long before I got an answer.

You see, choosing the gender of your baby especially when you are in dire need of a particular gender is like a war. You kill, or you get killed. When you succeed, there is a great feeling triumph that comes over you.

I'm sure you're thinking this ebook is just about the name. Far from it. There are loads of goodies for anyone who wants to get that gender she desires. It talks about the important factors needed. Determining your acidic and alkaline levels of the mother, her position during sex and of course the kind of meals that she should take if she is to conceive the gender of her choice.

Here are the other reasons why this book won me over.

1. The great testimonies of the users of her great information.

2. Her methods are very natural.

3. It comes with a NO LIMIT MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. That is to say if you are not satisfied with the book you can ask for a refund anytime.

Note,this is no brainer!


Choosing the gender of your baby is as easy as ABC. It doesn't matter who you are. Your age, status and wallet do not count and more importantly the number of children you already have. Here are the secrets that will make the picking of the gender of your baby like child’s play and you getting the actual gender you desire. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS.